certified electronic tool EVOSERVIS

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Ministerstvo práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny Slovenskej republiky

Basic informations about DPS

Information about the contracting authority

Name of the contract / Title: MPSVR SR
Address: Špitálska 4,6,8
81643 Bratislava
Contact: Show



Zadavatel DNS:
Milan Ducho

Status of DPS

DPS was canceled

Informations about DPS

ID DNS v EN: 7497678925DNS
Name of DPS: Nábytok pre rezort MPSVR SR II
The term creation of DNS / term tenants to allow the submission of applications for inclusion in the DNS: 28.5.2020 v 13:00
Time limit access to applications submitted for inclusion in the DNS created according to § 59 ods. 2 písm. a): 26.6.2020 v 10:00
The term duration, designed and set up DNS / deadline to allow submission of candidates for inclusion in DNS: 24.5.2024 v 23:45
Complete informations about DPS: Show
Informations and documents published on the PC profile: Show
Overview of the contracts in this DNS: Show

Complete informations about DPS

Name of DPS: Nábytok pre rezort MPSVR SR II
Description of DPS:
Viď súťažné podklady
Type / specification of the tender procedure: Užšia súťaž
Subject of DPS: Tovary
Contracting authority: The contracting authority § 7
Financial limit of contract: Nadlimitná zákazka
Estimated value of DPS: 2545836.02 EUR excluding VAT
Place of performance: Viď súťažné podklady
Place of submitting offers / URL address: https://www.evoservis.sk/mpsvrsr/dns_prijem_zadosti.php?id=460
URL adresa profilu obstarávateľa: https://www.uvo.gov.sk/vyhladavanie-profilov/detail/1630
The term creation of DNS / term tenants to allow the submission of applications for inclusion in the DNS: 28.5.2020 v 13:00
Time limit access to applications submitted for inclusion in the DNS created according to § 59 ods. 2 písm. a): 26.6.2020 v 10:00
The term duration, designed and set up DNS / deadline to allow submission of candidates for inclusion in DNS: 24.5.2024 v 23:45

Overview of the contracts in this DNS


No contract has been founded in DPS

Informations and documents published on the PC profile ×

Description of DPS

Viď súťažné podklady

Description of DPS


Viď súťažné podklady

To submit a request for inclusion in the DNS you must be logged in. into the certified electronic tool EVOSERVIS.


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